Shaping the future of Water and Sanitation entrepreuneurship in Ghana. Navigating opportunities. Building ecosystems.


The first Nsupreneurs Summit is a platform to bring together key stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector including entrepreneurs, financiers, experts, and policy makers, to discuss the current landscape of the sector and to explore opportunities for collaboration and growth in the sector.

5 June 2024 | 9 am – 3 pm




  1. To raise awareness about the importance of entrepreneurship in achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation.
  2. To identify and discuss key challenges facing entrepreneurs in the sector, such as access to finance, policy gaps, and technical support.
  3. To provide a forum for entrepreneurs in the water and sanitation sector to showcase their innovative solutions and share their experiences.
  4. To foster collaboration and partnerships between entrepreneurs, financiers, experts, and policymakers to support the growth and scaling of water ands anitation services.

  • Networking sessions and matchmaking opportunities for entrepreneurs, financiers, and experts.
  • Presentations and showcase of innovative solutions by entrepreneurs.
  • Workshops on entrepreneurship (support) activities of water and sanitation stakeholders.
  • Discussions on current challenges and opportunities in the water and sanitation sector.
  • Increased awareness about the importance of entrepreneurship in achieving universal access to clean water and sanitation.
  • Connecting entrepreneurs with partners and investors.
  • Identification of key challenges and opportunities facing entrepreneurs in the sector.
  • Sharing of knowledge and best practices between entrepreneurs, experts, financiers, and policymakers.
  • Establishment of a community of practice to support the growth and scaling of water and sanitation services.


Are you a young entrepreneur interested in learning more about the upcoming WASH incubation programme? Please click the button below to meet our team at the Summit and gain insights into the application process.



Organising partners

Funding for the Nsupreneurs initiative was received from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Generous Location Support and Provided by Ecobank